Researchers at the MIT have published a paper and open source code for a new network congestion protocol that seemingly does the impossible, allows better traffic sharing on our existing networks, without any extra overheads.
What is unusual is that code was generated by a computer.
TCP ex Machina: Computer-Generated Congestion Control
Up to this point, human designers have created TCP’s congestion-control algorithms by hand. There have been many such schemes over the last 25 years: TCP Tahoe, Reno, NewReno, Vegas, FAST, BIC, Cubic (Linux’s current default), Compound (Windows’s current default), etc. As the Internet has matured and evolved, crossing oceans and including wireless networks and ultrafast datacenters, so too have protocol designers added bells and whistles to our congestion-control algorithms.
So what? You may be thinking, how is this interesting for android? If you’re running a custom-built rom, then this is pretty easy to implement right away, and will make your devices’ network connection quicker, that’s a pretty decent start.
Taking it further what could happen of the same principles are applied to the android source? Better more efficient code? The beginning of something horrific from a sci-fi writers imagination where computers take over?
Who knows, but for now I’ll stick with a more efficient network, Remy is going on my custom cyanogenmod build later today.