Urban Armor Gear Maverick case for the HTC M8 Giveaway! Do you have the HTC M8? Perhaps you’re looking to buy the M8. Maybe someone will be giving you the greatest Father’s Day gift ever?! If you’re the kind who likes cases, we have a giveaway for you! Up for grabs is the […]
They often say the best things in life are worth the wait and they also say better late than never right? Well we believe so which is why, 3 days after we were supposed to, we are announcing the winners of the OnePlus One invites. There were a huge number of entries however we only […]
The One Plus One handset remains to be a popular choice among the technical community however they are still not available to buy for the general consumer market which makes getting your hands on one of them very difficult indeed. Thanks to the amazing team over at March of The Droids and via One Plus […]
It’s 2014 and we decided that we needed to make some space for some new review kit so in that breath we decided that now would be a good time to clear out of the review cupboard (yeah we really have one of those). The cupboard has a lot of weird and wonderful gadgets as […]
Last year I reviewed a great little security app for Android devices called NFCSecure. The app has seen many updates since my early review and has become even more useful. I won’t bore you all with another full review but will just give a little overview instead. NFCSecure uses the NFC capabilities on your device […]
I ran out to the car today, and discovered the gear bag giveaway was never completed! Oops! My sincerest apologies to you folks on my forgetfulness. Since people will receive gadgets as gifts this time of year, there’s no better time to give away something to stow them in. It seems only fitting we do […]
The second week of gear bag giveaway has come to a close. Congratulations to @Disney4life2005 for being the winner! Let us know when you receive your bag. To brighten up your monday, I’m going to continue the contests. This week we’ve chosen Facebook as our platform. Entry is pretty simple: Follow Land of Droid on […]
Our first gear bag giveaway was a success! Andrew Whewell of our Google+ community was the first winner of a 7″ messenger bag. If you’re not already a member of the community, please feel free to join up. It’s public and there is a lot of good news and conversation to be had. Now on […]
When I’m out and about, I need a decent gear bag. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, but it does need to hold my phone, tablet, external battery and other accessories I use daily. I found the one pictured above and it turned out to be perfect for my needs. Whenever I find something that […]
Over a month ago we launched a giveaway to give one lucky reader the chance to win an LG Wireless Charging Orb however sadly life got in the way and we never got round to drawing a winner, for that I personally apologise. Moving on, we have now picked the winner from all the entries on Google+, […]
Just moments ago we published our review of the LG Wireless Charging Orb and now we want to give it away (cause we’re nice like that)! So what do you have to do to be in with a chance of winning this amazing piece of tech which is valued at £59.99? Well it’s simple really, […]
Amazon have a large sale on today for users of their Appstore for Android, scoring you over $53 worth of apps for a low cost of $0.  The apps on sale are: * Documents To Go ($14.99) which opens typical office documents for editing on the go. While most office documents […]
Almost a full two days late in drawing the winner of this giveaway but none the less we do have a winner to announce but before we name the name, we want to thank you all for entering the giveaway and also want to thank HTC for kindly donating the prize. Without further ado, the […]
First of we would like to thank everyone for their participation and help in getting us to 1,000 Twitter followers, this was a massive achievement done in just 7 days. There can, as always, be only one winner though and the winner of the 7inch Android Tablet courtesy of Lava Accessories is… @badwolf188 Congratulations Dave! […]
If you haven’t yet heard of the March of The Droids event being held in Manchester, UK next year then you need to explore twitter more. The guy behind the even, Gary Weldon, has just given us a £20 voucher for ANY UK network to giveaway and it’s simple to enter to win too! Simply […]
Just 10 minutes ago we ended our giveaway of another (yes we gave 2 away) NFC Trial Starter Pack from RapidNFC, however we feel so sorry for those guys that didn’t win that we are not gonna giveaway an even BIGGER starter pack!. So what’s inside this new and BIGGER pack and how much is […]
Just 10 minutes ago we ended our giveaway medical site of an NFC Trial Starter Pack from RapidNFC, however we’re not content with giving just one of these away. As there were so many entries we’ve decided to give away another full pack! . So what’s inside and how much is it worth? Well, it’s […]
NFC Tags are growing in popularity with the launch of phones like the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy SIII and the HTC One X so thanks to the wonderful Phil over at RapidNFC we can now share that growth with you all by offering you the chance to win this NFC Trial Starter Pack. So what’s […]
So the time has come to draw our giveaway! We’ve had a lot of responses, mostly through Twitter so most of the winners have been drawn from Twitter. And the winners are… [PLEASE INSERT DRUM ROLL HERE] Twitter @AlexGenvarev @xSweetCheeksx @somersetboy74 @stellafive @Elzmumof3 @Irvysan @UbuntuBhoy @madeindevon @libertygirly @LewisKnight @rizwandgr8 Facebook Iain Maciver David Percival Gavin […]
OPEN TO UK / USA / INDIA To celebrate the launch of the Land of Droid V3 look and feel we have teamed up with the amazing folk over at Amzer to give away a 2 Shellster Phone cases each day for the next 10 days. To enter and be in with a chance […]
Lets start with the good news then shall we? The winner of the 1st Amzer Case Giveaway is Darrell Mcmahan Jr – Congratulations and we will be in touch soon regarding your win. Now for the bad news… most of you will know, I sit on my brain sometimes and yesterday was one of those […]
Slightly later than planned (nothing changes) however we have now drawn the winners of the two Android Inflatables courtesy of Kenwood UK. The winners are Nick White and Daniel Beard – Congratulations! Stay tuned as we have another giveaway starting tomorrow.
You may or may not remember but back in April this year, Tim attended the Gadget show live where he was lucky enough to meet up with some reps from Kenwood who were demoing an in car head unit that will allow you to play the music from your Android phone in your car, via […]
It’s been a long haul and there have been a LOT of entries for this competition, infact 7,888 to be exact however there can only ever be one winner. [appbar id=”com.waze”] Congratulations to Mark Watson who has won the most sought after handset of 2012 courtesy of Waze! We will be in touch very soon […]
[appbar id=”com.waze”] Wow, time really does fly why when you are having fun or should we say “drive by”. With just over 2 days left in our competition we wanted to remind you all that you can enter daily via Twitter using the Rafflecopter section below – each tweet gets you another entry so why […]
We here at Land of Droid really appreciate everything that our readers do for us, if it wasn’t for you guys there would be no site to run and for that we thank you immensely. A simple thank you is just not enough for us, so we have a few giveaways planned for you guys. […]
[appbar id=”com.waze”] OK so we weren’t content with giving away just one Samsung Galaxy SIII so we have now teamed up with Waze, the social GPS app provider, to give you all the chance to win a White 16GB Samsung Galaxy SIII unlocked handset. You can read our Review of the app HERE There […]